Monday, March 13, 2023

Monday, Monday...

 It was a really long, scary weekend for the banking world.  Now it's just after noon on Monday, PDT.  First Republic Bank stock has been tanking all morning (down 69% in 5 days) and Zion Bancorp is down 36% in 5 days. One report said First Republic is getting funding from J.P. Morgan.  Meanwhile, it appears tens of billions of dollars have been flowing into U.S. Treasuries (huge drop in 10-year T-bill yield, 3.97% to 3.55% since 3/7, which signals rise in price due to high demand), and Bitcoin, Ethereum, gold, silver, as well as platinum and paladium (so for all the tweekers out there, it's time to sell those catalytic converters you stole).   Where is all that money coming from?  Banks, apparently, out of bank deposits and into "safer" investments.  The Big Boys (and Girls) are spooked on banks, it seems.  It's a traditional flight to safety, it appears, for businesses, major investors, and individuals alike.  But there no reports of actual lines of people at banks, that I've seen.  So things seem to be calming down, for now.  

There was a Fed closed door meeting this morning, no word on that.  The Fed's FOMC meeting, where they decided interest rate hikes, or a pause, is next Tuesday and Wednesday.   

Check out the Adaptive Reuse SoCal Pinterest page... it's already pretty weird

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